Monday, March 30, 2009

Olivine Info!!!

By: Marissa, Lanya, and Ashley!!!

Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe)2SiO4

Composition: Magnesium, Iron, Silicon, Oxygen

Color: Yellowish Green,Olive,Yellow Brown

Streak: White

Hardness: Mohs Scale-6 ½- 7

Crystal Form: Three unequal axes intersecting at right angles

Luster: Resembling glass, as in transparency, brittleness, and hardness

Cleavage: Good and Distinct

Fracture: Irregular and very brittle

Everyday uses: reflective sand, bricks, gem-stones for jewelry

Interesting Facts: The Hawaiian Islands are rich in Olivine, Olivine's gemstone variety, known as peridot is one of the most mispronounced of gemstone names, olivine is one of the types of minerals that makes up igneous rocks.


  1. This website is really interesting and can really help me as well as others. I love the colors! Please comment!
    Thx :P

  2. Wow i cant believe that it is the most unpronounced gemstone. this website is full of facts and it figures that olivine is one of the minerals that make up igneous rocks beacause hawaii has a bunch of volcanos creating igneous rocks.


  3. pretty neat nice job on the blog guys!


  4. Nice job girls, I learned some really interesting facts. Great work putting it all together.
    Ms. B

  5. i think we did a good job guys! Olivine is a sweet mineral!

  6. i love your blog Marissa,It really is full of good facts and information that we can use!!!!
    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Natalia
